The Big Data Analyst
                  Companies In India

Welcome to the age of Big Data! We are living in the age of digital transformation where 'Data' plays an important role; it is literally capable of changing your business future or it can even be a game changer for your organization. Well, it's not a bluff, around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created in every single day and it is growing exponentially worldwide; which is literally turning the companies into data oriented. Today, every single enterprise, business organization, entrepreneurs are seeking a Big data analyst/scientist to extract valuable structures and insights to tame their business critical data, which will help them to be ahead of their competition. Even many companies, organizations as well as start-ups and well-established enterprises are on the lookout for skilled Big data analyst/scientist and professionals to stay ahead of the curve.

Impetus technologies, Fractal analytics, Edure, Mu Sigma, Tiger Analytics, Bridge i2i, Crayon Data are some of the popular enterprises that had successfully established itself as one of the leading Big data analytics companies in India. These establishments provide their analytics services across different sectors like Telecommunication, Healthcare, Advertising, Retail, IT (Information Technology), Finance, Insurance, Hospitality and so on. According to a report on the '2018 Big Data Analytics Market study', the adoption rate of Big data has escalated from 17% to 59% in 2019 and it will continue to grow with Lighting speed. The report also states that Apache Spark and Tensor flow are considered as the leading big data analytics and machine learning technologies as being adopted by most of the companies in India today, even around 39% of organizations participating in the study are using Tenor flow primarily and it is only expected to increase to around80% in the coming years. While the growth of sectors using Big data analyst are reportedly increased in the following ways: Telecommunication by 95%, Insurance by 83%, Advertising by 77%. While on the other side, the Big Data analyst adoption rate in companies oriented in Financial services, Healthcare, Technology, Retail/Wholesale, Government and Education institutions will grow by 60-70% in the near future. The study report also states that Data Warehouse Optimization, Forecasting and Customer/Social Analysis are the three divisions where chiefly big data analytics being capitalized by companies today.

Now you might want to know how an analyst can become a game changer in the business productivity! The technology is evolving and so are the working ways! Earlier, Manufactures or Enterprises make predictive decisions through factors like feedback from the customers to understand behaviour, but now with the time change and better technology decision-making has become more in-depth analysis using big data. An Analyst let a manufacturer/business professional to gain deeper insight on business efficiency, performance, product quality and at the same time Customer-behaviour insights to plan future production and business strategies. In the present, more that 50% companies are using Big Data Analytics in their business to achieve better performance. Big Data has literally transformed the ways of Decision-making