Microsoft excel is basically a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for calculation and computation tools, graphing tools, tables and visual basic for applications. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering, and financial needs. In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histograms and charts, and with a very limited three-dimensional graphical display

Excel has been in use for a long time commercially and domestically for simple data management and handling. Since spreadsheets helps in managing a meager amount of data easily. And since its been around for a long time, the functions of Microsoft excel is evolving and it will be substituted by Power BI in the future.

What is the scope of Excel developers?

Excel developer in itself is a necessary skill, but not a separate job posting. But Power BI is and it is the next step from Microsoft excel. The industries that mainly use Power BI as data visualization are Software Companies, Hospitality Industry, Financial Industry, Management Consulting Services, Retail Sectors so on and so forth. Statistically more than 1000 companies make use of Power BI as of now and it is projected to be the top data visualization tool in the near future.

What is the salary of an excel developer?

Excel skill is a necessity in most job listings, so therefore it’s not a separate job posting. But the next step of excel is Power BI and Power BI developer is a job role that can earn a handsome amount of money of around Rs. 293,544 as a beginner. An experienced Power BI developer can earn as much as Rs. 882,000 on average and the highest being Rs 2,000,000.

What is the average salary of a Django developer?

an entry-level Python Developer with Django skills can earn a starting salary ranging between Rs. 240,000 – 380,000. A mid-level Django Developer (with 6-8 years of experience) can earn an average annual income of around Rs. 580,000 – 1,000,000. Professionals having more than 10-12 years of field experience can earn high salaries ranging between Rs. 1,500,000 – 2,800,000.

What will you learn from this excel essential course?

You’ll learn the fundamentals of excel, basic functionalities, tools, data analysis techniques. How to make pivot tables, graphs, data visualization charts and more

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  • pivot table analysis
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